Dr Campbell-Lloyd's recent paper describing his techinque for drainless explant surgery has just gone to print.
How well a breast augmentation is performed influences how difficult the eventual explant procedure might be. Choose wisely.
Is there ever a good reason to stage an explant procedure? Well, maybe.
If a surgeon claims to "believe" in breast implant illness, does that make them a better surgeon, or guarantee a better outcome?
The tendency of some plastic surgeons to view explant surgery negatively is more a reflection on their practice or their skills, not on the procedure itself.
I see patients who are left with distortion and deformity of the breast after explant surgery done elsewhere. This is fixable, but it requires quite a bit of work.
What does "good value" mean in Plastic Surgery? And is price an indicator of quality?
Complications do happen, even with the very best techniques and protocols. So how do we deal with that?
Medicare and private insurance rebates do apply to Explant surgery.
You can still get a great result from a mastopexy, even if you end up having more children.
A clear guide to how much explant surgery costs and insurance coverage.
Many women are told that they must have an MRI prior to being considered for explant surgery. This might be a waste of time and money.
Breast implant surveillance is important, but you need to understand why you should bother, when to do it, and how.
Is explant surgery dangerous? No, I don't think so. But it might depend on the surgeon.
What are the sources of dissatisfaction after explant and how can they be corrected?
Does explant surgery hurt? It's different for everyone.
A step-by-step guide to what happens in explant surgery.
A recap of the topics I've covered in the last 12 months. Choose your own adventure!
We owe our patients the right to choose an explant, just as they would choose another aesthetic procedure. We then own them a duty to perform that procedure to the best of our ability, with the same expectations as they might have of any other aesthetic procedure.
Galaflex is a dissolving mesh that can be used in breast surgery to support and control the breast tissues and breast implants over time.